
Let us introduce ourselves

We are an organic, laid back learning environment, and WMU's resident hackerspace. We value curiosity as much as we do knowledge, and time has shown that everyone has something to offer.

With our own office and the resources in it, our greatest resource remains our people, and after almost 40 years at WMU, we've gained hundreds of great members doing remarkable things at companies like Google, Apple, LinkedIn, and RDIO.

Regardless of what we know or who we are before joining, we grow and learn a tremendous amount from each other.

We hope you'll come by for one of our weekly meetings on 6pm on Thursdays at 2225 Kohrman Hall. If you can't make it in person, check out our linktree below for a link to our twitch account where we will be streaming the meeting weekly!

Want to learn more?

Check out our linktree for other places to find us.

The best way to see if we're the right fit is stopping by a meeting to see for yourself.

If you're even a little interested in security, programming, hardware, electronics or have an idea for your own project then chances are you'll find a friend in us. See what a meeting might entail by checking out our meeting minutes.

Want to get in touch? Email us!