Present: Poetic, Nike, Olorun, Ozz, Isaac, Pacd, Joe, Tim, Kristine </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> 1.) Item on agenda, use only usernames for present listing? </p><p> 2.) BIG NEWS: Klug will be meeting in room 2205 Dunbar this Tues, at 7:00pm. </p><p> 3.) Ozz razzes Tim about “memory”. </p><p> 4.) Ozz suggests a new “Cabinet” officer position. Someone who can deal with publicity. Keeping people happy in a special projecty contacty kind of way…. Example: a project needs “buttons” pushed, this would be the person who would do it. </p><p> 5.) Ozz nominated Wes and Poetic for the “PR” position. </p><p> 6.) Of the three remaining meetings, Election in two weeks, Movies in three weeks. </p><p> 7.) About the movie: (lost Wes’s attention) … probly best to just do our normal thing Knauss etc. Howard Stern Private Parts. Star Wars (the Trilogy) Star Ship Troopers (or we could shoot ourselves in the head). Pi Sneakers Usual Suspects Full Metal Jacket </p><p> 4/15 in Knauss Two MOVIES Pizza and Pop provided candy for sale. </p><p> 8.) The WIDR project is simmering. Tarkan says we may be able to plug in over in DOSL. Ozz considers arcane things like sampling rates and compression schemes. We need to provide an estimate of likely bandwidth needs. Build a tesla coil to illuminate the movie room… We need to put a machine together and possibly test over this summer. </p><p> 9.) University seeks a new computer information officer. Dean Wright is looking to take over the position. Also Mr. Lance Query. Belief is that there should be a process to select this person. The concern is that a sincere job search is not happening. Perhaps we could find out about the procedure and see if any of our input could be considered. Is this maybe a ask Floyd what’s going on here exactly. (the point) Right now, there are large anti-us feelings… If the head changes, perhaps the rest of the UCC might relax a bit. </p><p> </p><p> 10.) Lastly, we should get together a bit during the summer. </p><p> </p><p> Treasurer’s report. Cash box $81.86 In membership. $20.00 Total $101.86. </p><p> Meeting Adjourned. 6:55 pm. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
25 Mar 1999