
17 Mar 2005

Computer Club minutes for 3/17/05
Members present: Tim, Joe, Eric, Adam, Joe W., Miles, Matt R., Brian, Chris, Isaac<p>

1> LAN Stuff
Not able to get the other room, but we still have D205-207. Jim Cotton has been contacted. Melissa and Eric have again agreed to provide food, but are scaling it back this time. <p>

Flyer posting has begun. Brian recruited some folks to post. We got the flyers approved. Prizes were discussed. <p>

Last time, we had $50 gift cert. and $25 for second place and a $50 door prize. They were Best Buy GCs. Do this again? <p>

Server machines and games were also discussed. Machines from Parkview are available. Last time, the tournaments were a bit chaotic. <p>

Matt advises us to advertise the prizes early in order to attract vistors. Eric recommends $50, 25 and 10 for third prize. Joe recommends we wait until next Thursday before we decide on prizes. Brian suggested that we set a top limit budget for prizes. Eric suggests we not specify exact prizes but just talk about how much total. Over $100 in prizes.<p>

Game limitations were also discussed. Brian asked if the game was running too long. Eric suggested double-elimination, one-on-one. <p>

10 reservations since the site started yesterday. Parkview display screen should be updated. Psychorage should also be updated, as should BroncoWeb.<p>

Cotton still has the VLAN scripts.<p>

The XBox LAN thing is not going to happen. Joe W. suggests that some people already expect an XBox LAN game. So we may let them run those games if they wish. The people who know about it can play, but we won’t advertise. We can leave XBox LANning for Plan 4.<p>

2> Inventory for LAN rooms
Joe told John that we will do it on Friday night. We have to verify that the VLAN and DHCP will be done, then we record any broken equipment so that we don’t get blamed for broken things.<p>

Will we have a summer LAN party? Joe will not be here, but some will. General discussion ensued on whether we want a LAN party in summer.<p>

3> What should the CCLUB do to increase membership
Brian leads the discussion. Brian summarizes the general ideas. Discussions centered around electrical engineering and some more (ahem!) shady stuff.<p>

Eric recommends that we try to recruit younger students. We need to have officer candidates. Tim asks how we advertise? Joe points out that, despite putting up flyers, people don’t seem to be interested. Brian suggests hat we expand our technology presentations to things not covered by classes.<p>

Eric points out that we only advertise at Parkview. We don’t advertise outside of this area. Brian volunteers to distribute flyers around main campus.

Eric reminds us that we got our presentation schedule set for the semester in advance. We had a lot more support from faculty. Some professors would mention our presentations. Most students don’t use their CS email now, so sending email is more likely pointless.

Brian suggests a topic on Nintendo mods might be more interesting. Should the meetings be moved to Parkview?