
26 Mar 2015

Meeting March 26th, 2015

Minutes by cpg

Head Count



  • April 11th, 2015
  • Bonzai is an artificial intelligence competition in which you create a game-playing AI.
  • It is being put on by Michigan Tech.
  • Talk to stringy, TheMind, moses, typo, and the members of the Game Inventor’s Club.
  • Team forms and registration fees need to be submitted by April 1st.

Gibbles Shaming

  • Yakko was “forkbombed” at approximately 10:30 AM today, March 26, 2015.
  • Everything is back to normal now.
  • If you would like to test your projects in a safe environment, you can use VMs provided by the CS department.
    • URL: login.cs.wmich.edu
  • Yakko now limits users to 100 processes because of this incident.

3D Printer

  • If you are interested in 3D printing, talk to flay, monofuel, sphinx, demorest, or consult the wiki.
  • If you would like to design a trophy for PLAN, please do.


  • The Bounty Bucks system is expected to be completed by demorest in three weeks.
  • The United States Army is interested in recruiting computer science students.


  • There is a Chinese CTF with a weight of 20 is coming up.

Code.org Hackathon

  • Code.org is organizing a 2-day hackathon


  • PLAN starts officially on Saturday, March 28th and ends Sunday evening.
  • Please show up in the Computer Club office Friday between 4 and 4:30 PM if you can help setup for PLAN tournaments, concessions, or ticket sales.
  • Help with cleanup on Sunday evening is also appreciated.
  • If you have any expertise in setting up servers for games such as Team Fortress 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive, let Hardison know.
  • If you have a copy of Halo 4, a TV, or an Xbox 360, please consider lending it.
  • D-115 will be available for general gaming.
  • We have a PLAN post at reddit.com/r/kzoo and one at reddit.com/r/wmu that could use some upvotes.
  • We will need to withdraw about $350 for Magic the Gathering cards. This will be paid back by players and Fanfare.
  • Get the word out there, and tell your friends!

Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 PM