
08 Sep 2016

September 8th, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Notes taken by mobyte in emacs

35 people in attendance, including: mind, nospace, buttercup, cpg, strongth, sphinx, mobyte, twitch

6:01 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall

First Meeting

  • To all of our new members: Welcome to Computer Club!
  • This is our first meeting of the Fall 2016 Semester, and we are looking forward to getting to know all of you better. If you would like to know more, please feel free to ask around on IRC.

Bronco Bash

  • It is going to be happening this Friday.
  • However, Computer Club won’t be participating in it this year.


  • CTFs are known as Capture the Flag security competitions.
  • If you like learning about software security, feel free to join us!
  • The ASIS CTF starts at 1 PM in the Computer Club room.
  • To learn more information, go here: https://asis-ctf.ir/home/.
  • Additionally, sphinx is going to be holding a CTF class. If you want to learn more about software security, this is a great opportunity!


  • PLAN is our bi-annual LAN party ran by Computer Club. It is an event about video games and hanging out with friends.
  • PLAN is happening this November 12th at the Parkview Campus.
  • See more information at whatistheplan.com.
  • There will possibly be a PLAN meeting on Sunday. If you would like to learn more about helping out or volunteering, talk to sloan on IRC.


  • They will possibly come to WMU and give a talk on the IOT.
  • To gauge interest, 40 people need to sign up.
  • To learn more or to show your interest, talk to strongth on IRC.