March 3 2022 Minutes taken by acp 10 people in attendance 4500 dollars in the bank.
- Blacktops have been made, some components still need to soldered on.
- They also need to be flashed and tested.
- Many students in the class still need them to do homework.
- Need to get horizontal image for putting on parkview monitors.
Covid Protocols
- As of Monday masks are no longer required outside of classrooms.
- Busses and classes still have masks required.
- Still carry masks, as they are still important.
- Still wear a mask in the room.
Science Olympiad
- March 19, shortly after Spring Break.
- Paper says we need 9 volunteers, but we probably only need 3 or 4.
- In the morning, should only take an hour.
- Let alu know if you want to help, we could use the help.
- Server problems are bad right now.
- Yakko has been accussed of port scanning, which we did not do.
- Firewall logs say that port scanning did not come from us.
- Yakko is still under heavy scrutiny because it’s very outdated.
- On return after break we really need to fix this.
- Yakko may still be moved offsite.
- We have still been asked to turn Yakko off sometime this week.
- We don’t really know what we are going to do right now.