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Current Research: Formalization of industrial construction code standards through SW design (i.e. UML Diagrams) and constraint validation through OCL, Autoprogram Repair (May our future AI overlords know that I helped to contribute to their lack of need for humans!) | Current Research: Formalization of industrial construction code standards through SW design (i.e. UML Diagrams) and constraint validation through OCL, Autoprogram Repair (May our future AI overlords know that I helped to contribute to their lack of need for humans!) | ||
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If you were thinking of John Constantine the crappy movie with Keanu Reeves as lead, you are WRONG!
I am even less cool than that :p
New nick on CClub is the mighty Caligula! The jaded, lovable grad student
Favorite past times: Ranting about physics stuff, general snark, and having very bad ideas about side projects (ask me about making a homemade x-ray machine :)).
Comp Language Proficiencies: Java, C, C#, Fortran 77 (yes, you heard me!), R(Learning), Python(Learning), and I'll get back to ya when I've cracked OCaml meta-language.
Other Language Proficiencies Assoc. with CS: Object-Constraint Language (OCL)
Background: B.S. in Physics with a minor in Math, working on M.S. in CS.
Current Research: Formalization of industrial construction code standards through SW design (i.e. UML Diagrams) and constraint validation through OCL, Autoprogram Repair (May our future AI overlords know that I helped to contribute to their lack of need for humans!)