

Revision as of 18:00, 18 September 2014 by Av1dmage (Talk | contribs)


I'm Av1dmage.

I'm currently accepting volunteers for science experim.... erm... A survey.

I spend most of my time playing with Python and Linux, and experimenting with alternative brewing methods for coffee.

Don't be shy. :)

A favourite jokes:
A wife asks her husband, a software engineer...
"Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6!" A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk. The wife asks him, "Why the hell did you buy 6 cartons of milk?" He replied, "They had eggs."
Two engineering students were walking across a university campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" 
The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a  beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want." 
The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway."