2025 Computer Club Hackathon

Where: 3301 Kohrman Hall
When: 2pm March 22nd to 2pm March 23rd
Who: All are welcome!


Time Event
2:00pm Kickoff
4:00pm Spacedog talk
5:00pm Dinner from Rykse & Co
5:30pm until 8:30pm crosstangent's MtG Cube Draft
6:00pm LLMs, Agents, BeeAI (Presentation)
8:00pm mind talk
9:00pm until midnight crosstangent's d&d oneshot
3:00am Angry Avalon
7:00am Guided stretching with alu
8:00am Breakfast from Dani's Pancake House
10:00am Introduction to Sound Synthesis (Presentation)
11:45am Group Photo (time subject to change)
12:00pm Lunch from Papa John's
2:00pm Deadline for competitors
2:30pm Awards and packing up
3:00pm Hackathon ends