
05 Feb 2004

Members Present: Eric, Joe, Darren, GuestD, Tim, Bob
6:06 Joe stops tying his shoes long enough to start typing minuites.
6:07 Tim shoes up and try's to help us start up the WIDR stream.
6:08 Eric and bob get there first tast of #geekboy goodness. #geekboy ownz them!
6:10 We try and do other things to fix wakko
6:20 We kick butt! Wakko is back up thanks to superior intelligence.
6:23 Joe mentions that matt got the cymbre linux to new stage. We now have a CS111/112 install group. We are going to concentrate on picking packages and hacking the first boot. You can discuss this furthor at http://yakko.cs.wmich.edu/forum
6:25 Eric starts up a fight with GuestD.
6:26 GuestD shows his worth and tests the now working WIDR stream
6:28 We discuss the value of D-Town. Eric gets homesick... :'(
6:30 We point fun at Eric's crying.
6:31 Eric points out that he is better because of his l33t laptop.
6:32 We all laugh at his l33t laptop. Then cast lots for it.
6:33 We consider postponing Nate's White Hat presentation because of his busyness.
6:34 ***BIG NEWS*** We got our check from _The Man_. Ed will deposit it tomarrow.
6:35 Darren already starts deciding how he is going to steal it. *think jeep*
6:36 Eric doesn't believe joe.
6:37 We point out the faults of the Broncosoft group. We show them our dope Epsilon Pi Epsilon Charter.
6:38 ***This is the longest meeting we have had in while***
6:40 Darren stops the meeting.