CCLUB Meeting
2 December 2010
2244 Kohrman Hall
President: rancor
VP: dwight
VP Finance: butters
VP Operations: wahkafaka
VP of PR: badwolf
VP of Alumni Relations: elf
Treasurer: cokezero
Secretary/WSA Rep: scrabble
scrabble may step down pending meeting time for spring semester
$55 needs to be allocated for hooded sweatshirts
will buy extras to sell, money allocated by consent vote
two hard drives for uberyakko needed - approved by vote
mame cabinet monitor does not work anymore
authority to find new one vested to officers
need spring PLAN date
March 19 tentatively
drc arrives 6:29
5 rancor bucks for drc
december 8, 7:30 am, leadership conference at parkview
new meeting time?
R 1830
F 1800
M 1800
W 1800
meeting adjourns 6:36