September 29th, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
35 people in attendance, including: cpg, mind, strongth, mobyte, nospace, hypnotoad, stringy, kami
6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
- Someone named Aaron came to Computer Club and is looking for app and web developers.
- His idea is to simplify the way people connect by combining social network platforms.
- He has created a mock UI for this, so he can provide concepts to start with.
- He would like to hire WMU student developers.
- Email if you would like more details.
- Andrew from the meeting a couple weeks ago has found a developer for the website he was working on.
- However, he will need someone to help with a web scraping project and he will possibly have more details in a week.
- Brandon, a contact sphinx knows, wants to create a website with two separate forms on a page. These forms would lead to a processed page.
- There will be $1000 given to create this website.
- Ask sphinx on IRC if you would like more information.
- kyledad7’s old job has now been claimed by giggles.
Java Programming Workshop
- Last week we talked about a Java programming workshop for beginner programmers and students from CS1.
- This date has been set for Saturday, October 15th at 2 PM.
- There will be pizza!
- If you want to volunteer, let an officer in the #officers channel on IRC know.
Reminder about Downloading
- All Computer Science students have been reminded in a recent email to not engage in any illegal file sharing on campus.
- This is a reminder that students should not do illegal downloads on campus or in the Computer Club office.
- On Monday between noon and 2 PM, sloan will have an interview with tybalt from WIDR to talk about Computer Club as a part of the WIDR RSO Spotlight.
- This will give us an opportunity to have free airtime on WIDR radio for advertising.
- This may lead to other future opportunities to tell listeners about Computer Club.
Cumin Fundraiser
- demorest has brought up the opportunity to have a fundraiser at the Cumin Indian Cuisine restaurant.
- The plan is to have many people come in one night and obtain 15% of proceeds.
- Here is how it would work:
- Coordinate with the restaurant and sign up.
- Publicize, get people to go there and spend money.
- Computer Club would then get 15% of the money for that night.
- The restaurant has a capacity of about 30 people.
- Ask demorest on IRC if you want to get more information or if you want to show interest.
Computer Club Talks
- nospace is having the first talk of the semester tonight about reversing a binary file after the meeting.
- If you would like to sign up for a talk of your own, go to this link and fill out the form:
- It is first-come, first-served, so make sure to sign up as soon as possible.
- Reserving a topic and time is not required immediately, but it is important to reserve with your name as soon as possible if you want to give a talk.
IBM Workshop
- We successfully have obtained enough interest to get support from IBM to have a workshop at Computer Club!
- However, they originally wanted to hold the workshop next Monday.
- They are currently working around their schedule, they may be able to set it up this November.
- More details will come soon when we hear back from them through strongth.
- We want to take down signatures to send to the Computer Science department to give sphinx recognition.
- This would be a recognition letter to show how much sphinx has helped us.
- We will have a signatures sheet soon, ask any of the officers if you want to sign it.
- The PLAN schedule for tournaments should be on soon.
- The next PLAN meeting will be next week at some time.
- This time is not yet decided
- Check IRC in the #plan channel to get more information.
- In news about sponsors, Dr. Carr has helped us get donations through the Computer Science department.
- This will make it easier for potential sponsors to give us funds.