March 23rd, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
35 people in attendance, including: zurek, strongth, stringy, mobyte, ohaimark, mind, kami, leech
6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
Go Talk
- Matt Layher, a Western Michigan University graduate now working at DigitalOcean, was found on reddit by Twitch.
- He came from DigitalOcean’s headquarters in New York to give Computer Club a talk about the Go language and to answer questions about working with Go at his job.
- If you would like to see some of the projects he has worked on, you can check out his GitHub here:
- Thank you very much to Matt Layher for sharing his valuable information about
- hush is coming to the Computer Club office to recruit students for Apple next Thursday at the meeting.
- For anyone attending, there will also be pizza.
- He will also come to Dr. Trenary’s classes if you cannot make it to the meeting.
- Dr. Trenary’s video addressing challenges we have had as an RSO be available on March 29th.
- PLAN is coming up soon and it will be on the weekend of April 1st with setup on March 31st.
- Thanks to dolphin and mobyte for putting up a lot of posters up around campus.
- Please help us by taking any of the posters at the office or print your own to put up around campus.
- There were also some plans to chalk pavements around campus on Tuesday (instead of during the weekend due to weather).
- Please talk to strongth if you would like to volunteer to run the concessions stand.
- The last PLAN meeting will be tomorrow (2/24) around 5 PM to discuss prizes that will be given to tournament winners.
- If you are volunteering to help at a tournament, it is very important for you to attend this meeting or to tell kami or zurek that you will not be able to make it.
- The MHacks Hackathon is this weekend and kessler is taking a group to University of Michigan’s campus to attend.
- There is also a Slack server now available which can be joined by anyone with a .edu email.
- This is a server to organize with other clubs and organizations in Michigan to share ideas and talk about programming or hacking events.
- Everyone is encouraged to join if they want to learn more about programming events happening around Michigan
- To join, you can go here:
- The iFixit toolkit bits aren’t here yet but they were ordered last week.
- The Paypal card swipe is also on its way and should hopefully be here next week.
- We are planning on creating Computer Club shirts this year.
- kami is busy with other things, so everyone is invited to create their own design for a Computer Club shirt.
- Sign up by April 1st if you want to submit a design.
- If you would like to submit a design, it must be vectorized due to shirt printing requirements.
- Please contact kami if you do not know how to do this.
Meeting ends at 6:14 PM