
27 Jul 2017

July 27th, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Notes taken by cookie in vim

10 people in attendance, including: zurek, kessler, Sgt, Dolfin, Hellbacon, cookie, mind

6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall


  • We need to do an orientation for WSA to secure funding for them
  • We could possibly use the funding to buy better software (ex. ida pro) or a better 3D Printer
  • If theres any software or something else that you think club should allocate the money for message someone on the Eboard


  • Friday(7/28) at 6 there will be a metting for planning a PLAN plan schedule.
  • We also need to talk to the past years sponsors and make sure that funding is secured and they they are taken care of.


  • MHACkS is coming up in september 22-24
  • Free if you apply(https://mhacks.org/login)
  • Things attendies may need to think about is money for gas and possibly thinking about getting a near by hotel room as sleeping spots are not garuanteed
  • Kessler and dolfin went last year so if the website does not answer your questions they might be able to help.

Dolfin’s idea

  • Dolfin would also like to start a project to build an IRC server with one of our boxes
  • Contact dolfin if you are interested in heloing eith this or have experince in in such projects.


  • Riot just got updated(Can now un-ban people)
  • A git library created by Mdlayher is going to be used for automatically backing up our servers (yakko, jazz, dot, etc…)
  • Zulip is a possible option for chat hosting(https://zulip.org/ , https://zulip.org/features.html , https://chat.zulip.org/accounts/login/)

Important Reminder

  • August 11th will be the date for switch completely to a Riot/Vector/Matrix chat service.