August 10th, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by cookie in vim
11 people in attendance, including: mind, zurek, dolphin, flay, sans, dropshock, typo, cookie, mobyte
6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
PLAN Meeting
- PLAN Meeting tomorrow night (8/10) @ 6:00pm please come if you can we need to plan as much before the semester as possible
Passport Day
- Passport day is coming up the 8/31
- Sphinx said he would ask about getting us a lab, but Zurek is double checking on that and other information for the event
- This is the biggest event for getting new member so we need as much help as possible
- Please let an eboard member know if you can volunteer
Chat Switch Over
- We are switch all official chat to Riot/Matrix chat tomorrow(8/11)
- Hellbacon has prepared a guide for using the new chat Click here for details
- Weechat plugin in available to make it work more like IRC.