March 29th, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by cookie in vim
19 people in attendance, including: Kahrl, Zurek, fidget, dolphin, leech, spacedog, cookie, sgt, tank, taco, sans, taylor, jpenn
6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
Dr. Kaminski for Commendation
Dr. Carr would like to see that Dr. Kaminski receive the Distinguish Teacher Award this year.
To put your vote forward for the Distinguished Teacher Award talk to kahrl for the link.
CS Scholarship Dollars
There is unclaimed CS scholarship money that has not yet been claimed this year.
If you are interested in these scholarships first check your WMU email. If you are having trouble finding the messages let someone know in officers.
Opportunities in Coding
There is an opportunity for a summer coding boot camp. If you are interested talk to kahrl.
- has a 12 week white board style interview course that takes place this summer and would be beneficial to those looking for jobs in the industry .
BonzAI brawl is taking place Saturday April 7th
BonzAI Brawl
During the second weekend in April, MTU will be putting on an AI development competition.
This a basic AI competition that would be easy enough for all levels of programming knowledge.
The idea is for us to just compete remotely from our campus and digitally submit our work.
Dr. Carr would like us to get 4-5 teams of 2-3 people together so that we can setup a competition environment here.
The BonzAI API is java and that would be the main programming language for the competition.
For more information on BonzAI Brawl click here!
DrewR will setup a Screeps Server to help us prepare for BonzAI Brawl
Officer Election
Nominations for officer elections are next week at meeting.
Two weeks from now will be the elections themselves
Stringy will be running the voting system again
Elected positions are Pres, VP, secretary, Treasurer, VP of Finance.