<- Computer Club Minutes -> <- March 23, 2000 -> <- 6:30 pm -> </p><p> Members present: Oz, Wes, Tim, Erik, Izak, Chris, Ed, Magoo, Cabe34, Shelley, John, Some other new guy </p><p> 1. Computer Club movie party April 21 at Wes' house. 7:00 pm, he will provide directions at later meeting Pizza, bring your own beverages and other friends 626 Summer St. </p><p> 2. Oz is leaving the country April 6th for about one month, over the election period. We will have new elections before his departure. </p><p>
President: Ed, Wes Vice President: Ed, Matt, Wes, Cabe34 Treasurer: Ed, Secretary: Matt, Erik Anything: Wes Finance: System Admin: Ed Web Master: Izak Publicity: Cabe34 </p><p>
are the nominations. Oz will probably not be around because he will be pursuing the dream of something out side of Kalamazoo. More nominations next week. </p><p> 3. Sam's Club Pop/Candy run - Wes and Erik, Sunday, desperate situation, Trenary needs crackers. </p><p> 4. Treasurer's Report: $ 12.60 short from last week $184.67 in cash $940.51 in bank </p><p> 5. IMAP Server - Does anyone know how to set one up or at least figure out how? Ed says he'll figure it out. </p><p> 6. Everyone thank Ed for setting up NFS and NIS to allow login to Dot, Wakko, and Yakko. </p><p> 7. Net-link webpages have apparently ceased to function. Does this mean we might be able to get our webpages back? Ralph will try to find out what happened to the server. wmich.com is down. * We are making a motion to buy wmich.com if it becomes available, or maybe get our own domain name if not. </p><p> 8. Zanny supposedly has an idea to help us make money by setting up majordomo and clubs who want to use the mail server, possibly by paying a yearly Computer Club membership, etc. Tim will try it out on Dot first. </p><p>
<- Meeting ajourned 7:03 pm -> </p><p>
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