Start: 6:30pm </p><p> End: 6:42pm </p><p> Members Present: Zaphod, Pacd, Rattles, Soloa, Ajax, Serenity, Cymbre, Cindy, Others </p><p>
- Officer Elections! </p><p>
- President: Matt
- Vice President: Mike
- Treasurer: Anne Marie
- Secretary: Erik
- System Administrator: Chad
- Webmaster: Isaac
- Project Administrator: Wes
- Publicity: John
- Finance: Rodger
- Treasurer’s Report: </p><p>
September deposits to date totalling $422.70
September expenditures to date totalling $338.72
$50 for pizza at the Linux installation party
$83.72 reimburse Wes for SPARC hard drives, cable & ends, and printing
$205 reimburse Erik for Sam’s Club restock
Current CU checking account balance of $202.25
</p><p> - The President of the WSA is going to lend us a laptop so we can check out the wireless setup. </p>