
14 Mar 2002

Minutes for March 14, 2002 </p><p> The Computer Club of WMU </p><p> Members Present: moxjake, pacd, ash, ajax, zaphod, zrodger, rattles, tim, others </p><p>

  1. No word back from any potential speakers. Rodger’s suggesting us look into a speaker’s group that deals with organizing speakers. </p><p>
  2. Wes is a Dutch bigot. </p><p>
  3. Fightin’ Whities are cool! Buy a T-shirt </p><p>
  4. The Dean is coming next Thursday! There’s a whole list of things that need to be done to the office before then: </p><p>
  • Get a folder
  • Rodger's organizing his flier
  • Anything else that'll make the club look good
  • A calendar of events perhaps
  • Stuff that the Club's done/plans to do


  1. We need to come up with a list of books to buy for our library. We’ve got $200 (GSAC) + $150 (us) to blow here. </p><p>
  2. Try to be here on time for the meeting! Even show up early! </p><p>
  3. Cans, someone needs to take them back. It’s official: Jake’ll take ‘em back. </p><p>
  4. Unteryakko: Wes has volunteered a computer to us to use as a replacement (temporarily) for Yakko until we can find out why Yakko is having issues. </p><p>
  5. John cancelled his presentation. </p><p>
  6. Nothing’s changed with Algostore. </p><p>
  7. Matt’s in the process of creating a Yakko’s Administration Document. He’s about a page into it. He’ll send out the Chapters as he completes them for review. </p><p>
  8. Rants, raves, and naked mice: </p><p>
  • KLUG moved to the Chamber of Commerce building downtown. We'll have to update our links to reflect this. www.kalamazoolinux.org for more info.
  • Something's broken with MySQL access via Perl on Yakko... will look into.
  • Third-level tech support is equivalent to God
  • WorldCom in Grand Rapids doesn't answer their phone


  1. Treasurer’s Report: </p><p> $1,500 in the WMU account
    $1,100 in our bank account
    We’re loaded! </p>