
22 Sep 2005

Computer Club meeting minutes for 09/22/05
10 attended: Joe G, Chris, Miles, Craig, Greg, Ed, Eric, Matt, Jason and Brian.
Meeting started at 6:35PM

New user creation script needed
We need a script that will do the following, not necessarily needed over the web.
It needs to do the following:
-create user
-Set the home directory
–date = /home/(sum, fal, win)(year)/(name)
-home dir/web dir owner ship/chmod.
-automatic blog creator? see below.
-mail the ‘new-user’ e-mail to the users supplied e-mail address (Not yakko).

Joe G. is creating a website “Planet Yakko” for individuals who don’t already have WebBlogs.
His invision is to have blog applications for all of the users.
The planet site should ‘aggregate’ the blogs to create a central site for blogs.
Brian has schedules for the tournaments for the PLAN.
This can be found hopefully on www.whatistheplan.com

Widr was down yesterday, because Joe W. Turned the master volume up. There is no understanding of why this has happened, however if left the way it is now, noone should have need to touch it. Phorce P managed to repair it.

Joe W. wants to know what kind of local sponsorship we should have.
Supposedly bust buy.
It appears no students showed for the meeting tonight, looks like we are calling it a night.
we hope the times will be the same, or longer, since the night time is more appealling to individuals.
hoping for:
9-1 sat. 8-12 sun.
Meeting ajourned: 7:07PM