
25 Feb 2010

//Meeting Opened arond 5:30 or something I dunno.
//Zerg is taking minutes



//Plan Entrance Pricing
//$10 to get in, $10 a shirt, $15 for both

//Smerky & CokeZero will go shopping for PLAN/Office Supplies
//$75.00 Office already approved -> pushed till after plan.
//Voted for funding shopping PLAN expenses $200 - Passed
//I need more Mountain Dew

//Butters will get the key for the building, and the truck.

//Friendship village
//Someone needs to go to friendship village on Saturday, so Smerky is going, decided.
//Smerky needs to wake up, enough people have died already.

//Set date for next plan week after plan, to announce at Bronco Bash, and collect sponsors.
//2 weeks after Bronco Bash, Sept 18th proposed.

// Voting for MAME Cabinent - $225 - Passed
// Lyth told the guy we weren’t going to buy it, email sent inquiring if it’s still there.
// Email sent

//Make Kneuts to work on RHA Board
//Need new WSA IT cordinatinator? It’s a paid position.

//Voted for PhorceP lifetime memebership for donations - Approved.

//Meeting closed at 18:46, DRC did not arrive.