
30 Jul 2015

Weekly Meeting - July 30, 2015

Minutes by cpg

Head Count: 13

Alumni Testimonials

  • At Dr. Trenary’s request, we are collecting testimonials about Computer Club from our members, alumni and student alike. Since this club has been such a large part of our lives, their experiences and memories will be very valuable. This will go into the newsletter and onto the website in order to give the outside community a more clear idea of what we are about.
  • Please send any stories and testimonials to ccpresident@yakko.cs.wmich.edu.

MIOSHA Compliance

  • Our room is currently in the process of becoming MIOSHA compliant.
  • flay, stringy, and Dr. Trenary have met with two members of the OSHA committee and the building manager of Kohrman Hall. The overall tone of the meeting was very positive.


  • flay is currently working on the content of our first newsletter to be sent to the university community.
  • It is scheduled to be sent out at the beginning of the Fall 2015 semester.

Video Camera

  • We would like to purchase a camera to ensure the production quality of our future videos.
  • Our allocation for the camera with other audio and video equipment is $500.

Middle School Robotics

  • The middle school robotics program will be starting up again this fall. You may contact Emily Demorest (emilydemorest@gmail.com) for information.

Saleae Logic Analyzer

  • We will be getting a significant educational discount for a Saleae Logic Analyzer to complement our oscilloscope.
  • This discount also applies to other university students. If you would like to buy one for yourself, Computer Club can put yours on the same order. Contact flay (ccpresident@yakko.cs.wmich.edu) by Monday, August 3rd if you interested.

Kalamazoo Public Library

  • The Kalamazoo Public Library is a possible venue for Computer Club to hold demonstrations for local children.
  • Any ideas for an interactive event geared toward middle school and/or elementary students are welcome.

Personal Projects

  • Contact flay (ccpresident@yakko.cs.wmich.edu) with any personal projects relevant to Computer Club that you would like featured in the newsletter.

To-do List

  • There is a to-do list on the wiki with tasks that officers and other members are encouraged to help with.
