August 11th, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
16 people in attendance, including: buttercup, mobyte, nospace, kami, frantic, sphinx, stringy, buttercup, dropshock, bigguy, hellbacon, tmiley, magoo, typo
6:06 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
Weekend Goals
- We are going to clean the Computer Club room this weekend.
- The plan is to start cleaning this Sunday at 2PM.
- We need all the help we can get. If you would like to help out, come by.
- There will be pizza and music, so feel free to come help us.
- Dr. Carr is inviting Auto Owner’s Insurance recruiters looking for Systems Admins and Web Developers.
- Security related jobs could possibly be involved.
- Check next week’s minutes if you are interested.
- HTTPS certificate is up and running for the website.
- This means it’s time to start planning for PLAN.
- Since our website is ready, our priority is getting sponsors and making sure everything is going to be ready.
- To start it off, we are going to start planning to find sponsors this Saturday at 12 Noon.
- At 2 PM on Saturday we are having the Showcase Saturday event.
- The challenge is to make a snake game.
- Anything is allowed here regardless of quality. Come check it out and show off what you’ve been working on!
- To get more details about this or to see the rules, go here:
- We are going to get a food list ready for bigguy to restock the Computer Club food supply.
- If you want to discuss this food list or want specific things, go to #shoppinglist on IRC or tell us in the #officers channel.
Upcoming Events
- Passport day is going to be on September 1st.
- This is an event we have at Parkview every year to show incoming Freshmen what Computer Club is all about.
- Some of our current ideas are to take the 3D printer and Oculus Rift.
- stringy had the idea to have a monitor demo facing the hallway so people passing by can see it.
- If you have any of your own ideas for things to show off to Freshmen, let us know on IRC.
- The time of this event is soon to come. If you would like to volunteer or help out, let any one of the officers know.
- Our plan is to use our current Computer Club shirt design as our shirt for events, such as CTFs and Parkview Passport.
- If you are interested in seeing this design or buying one for yourself, see this link:
- Ideally, we would like to have these shirts ready to use at the Parkview Passport event.
Defcon 2016
- tmiley, sphinx, nospace, and stringy are back from Defcon.
- Here are some tips they gave to anyone that wants to go to Defcon:
- They highly recommended checking out the events and workshops.
- A point tmiley made was to check the website in advance and see what things you want to check out.
- Pre-registering for the workshops online is essential.
- Recommended to not prioritize seeing talks, as you have many chances to see them at a later time.
- If staying in the same hotel as the Defcon event, they could stream talks to their room.
- They also have brought pictures and videos, which will be shared online soon.
- If you want to see those, check the minutes or keep checking on IRC.
- Overall, they all had a great time. There was talk about taking a group again next year, so keep it in mind for next year if you want to go!