August 18th, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
14 people in attendance, including: cpg, nospace, mind, mobyte, magoo, typo, giggles, hellbacon, zurek, pasportit, sphinx, sink, kami, sloan
6:03 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
- We have been cleaning up Computer Club over last weekend.
- Thanks to nospace, stringy, mobyte, kami, hellbacon, and stoat for helping out!
- Now we have a lot of things left over that we want to throw away in the corner near the room entrance. Take anything from the pile if you want, otherwise, it will be donated to be recycled or reused.
Computer Club Concessions
- bigguy got new food and drinks for the Computer Club concessions.
- We now have a good supply of Pop-Tarts, Mountain Dew, and other snacks.
- Be sure to thank him for helping us out!
- Sloan got a sponsor from TEKSystems.
- They are offering to give us $500 for us to use during PLAN.
- We are currently considering putting most or all of this towards prizes to give away for tournaments.
- In return they would like a booth at PLAN or some advertising.
- To find out more about them, check
- We are still going to look for more sponsors, so let nospace or sloan know if you want to help. Additionally, you can offer volunteering help in the #sponsors channel on IRC.
- Big thanks to sloan!
Showcase Saturday
- This Saturday, August 20th, at 2 PM, we are having the next Showcase Saturday.
- The challenge is to make a game about snakes.
- There will be a cash prize involved!
- To see more details, go here:
Parkview Passport
- Parkview Passport is still coming up soon on September 1st.
- If you would like to talk about Computer Club to incoming Freshmen, talk to nospace and let him know that you would like to help out.
- stringy, pasportit, hellbacon, zurek, nospace, themind, sphinx, cpg, and kami, have all offered to volunteer!
- Icectf has started and we are currently working on it.
- We have been making good progress, and you can help us!
- To see more details, go here:
- We are also planning on trying out the Hackon CTF this weekend.
- To see more details about this, go here:
- To join us, find the login information in the #ctf channel on IRC.
- stringy brought in some radios that we can use.
- If you are interested in using the handheld radios or would like to learn more, ask stringy.
- However, if you are not sure what you are doing, be careful because there are some frequencies you are not legally allowed to broadcast on.
- Additionally, GNU Radio has been installed on kingcrow if you would like to try out some radio software.