August 25th, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
20 people in attendance, including: stringy, mind, rush, buttercup, kessler, sphinx, mobyte, cpg, kami, nospace, typo, zurek, demorest, magoo, sink, pasportit, hellbacon, sloan
6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
- sloan has got into contact with someone at TEKSystems named Dominic Zanoni.
- He says they can provide some prizes for us.
- In return, they may want a table to do some networking at PLAN.
PLAN Meeting
- This Sunday, August 28 at 5 PM.
- The plan is to create a template for contacting potential sponsors via email.
- He would also like reach out to people wanting to be on a PLAN Committee that are willing to volunteer at any point during the PLAN preparation or event.
- Another thing to do is to discuss which games will be tournaments during PLAN.
- Finally, he wants to create a rough draft for a PLAN event schedule so we can let sponsors know what the event will be like.
IRC Changes
- A current issue on IRC is that people can create users but we don’t know who they are.
- Our plans are to change this by requiring an LDAP login to use IRC.
- This plan is still being discussed between officers and IRC operators and is subject to potential change.
- stringy went over a quick demonstration how to join this new server by using weechat.
- IRC bots will also need to send a password to log onto the IRC server if this change is put into effect.
- At most, this may only need about two additional lines, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for IRC bot developers.
- There is not an ETA as to when this is going to be deployed, but if it will be put into effect, we will have to plan this at a certain time, so people will not be confused in figuring out how to rejoin IRC.
- This Saturday at 2 PM, bring your snake game to Computer Club for Showcase Saturday. See more details here:
- There is a CTF created by Facebook that is starting tonight at 10 PM. To see more information about this event, check the #ctf channel on IRC.
- Parkview Passport is happening this September 1st from 1 PM to 4:30 PM. If you would like to help out, come to Computer Club around 10 AM or 11 AM.
Dropshock’s Projects
- Open Lockpicking Community is going to be started back up by Dropshock.
- We could get half off lockpicks and lockpicking sets.
- If you like lockpicking or you’re interested in it, let him know you want to learn more!
- Additionally, Dropshock is going to be creating a flight instrument panel to link to Microsoft Flight Simulator.
- This project could be finished in a month.
- Dropshock planning to make build logs for anyone that is interested.
Oculus Rift
- nospace and kessler have found some games that we can use with the Razer Hydra.
- We are planning to show these off at the Parkview Passport.
- Big thanks to nospace and kessler for putting the time in to find some cool games and for setting up the Razer Hydra!
- Sphinx wants to buy ‘The Climb’ for $49.99
- His suggestion is to buy it with Computer Club funds, but we did not come to a consensus as to whether or not we will buy it.
Website Project Offer
- Henry Raybern, ceramic construction panel engineer came to our meeting.
- He would like us to build a website for him.
- See the #officers channel on IRC if you would like to get his contact information.