October 13th, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
33 people in attendance, including: mobyte, stringy, mind, cpg, pasportit, nospace, strongth, buttercup, kami
6:02 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
Java Review Session
- This Saturday, October 15th at 2 PM, there will be a review session for Dr. Kaminski’s CS 1110 class.
- This will be teaching Freshmen about while loops, int values, and other Java information.
- List of volunteers:
- stringy, mind, strongth, nospace, mobyte, wobbles, kami.
- We need help with getting sponsors.
- We are not able to get many sponsors to respond.
- If you can give us information about how to get more sponsors, please let us know.
- Our goal is to receive money or prizes from sponsors.
- Soon we will be going to local places in person to find sponsors.
- There is also a Facebook event now available. See it here: https://www.facebook.com/events/154484321677898/.
- Send it to all of your friends!
RSO Spotlight
- Thanks to strongth being interviewed by Western Herald for their RSO Spotlight!
- You can read the article here: http://www.westernherald.com/news/article_b6039980-8f2d-11e6-a573-9b07d24acb7e.html.
- There is also a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xB1bnofsto.
- We probably won’t be able to use other Kohrman Hall rooms for talks.
- Since we can’t use another projector, we will have to consider options for getting our own projector for talks.
- We may need a new router, since we are currently encountering problems with our current office router.
- Details about these issues will be discussed as we determine them.
- Possible replacement routers will be considered when we get more information.
- hellbacon is still looking to get a new server for backups. The price range may be between $600 and $700.
- Some refurbished servers are also being considered, with one option being around $800.
- The specs are 8 cores, 96 GB of RAM, and 10 TB of storage.
- Here is a link if you would like more information: http://www.ebay.com/itm/181390661208.
- Depending on heat output, we are planning on putting this server in Parkview.
- If we cannot put it in Parkview, it will be put in the Computer Club office.
- This server will also be used for projects, assignments, or virtual machines for Computer Club members.
- Thanks to typo for contributing funds to help us get this new server!
IBM Workshop
- strongth has let us know that the IBM Workshop will be during the week of November 7th.
- We will have the exact date about five days before the event.
Halloween Party
- chibi is hosting a Halloween party on October 22nd.
- If you would like more details, go here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1584323311867559/.