January 19th, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
32 people in attendance, including: mobyte, strongth, stringy, epikmemekid1998, kell, kami, zurek, nospace
6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
Oculus Touch
- We are still planning on getting the Oculus Touch.
- We initially ordered it from Amazon, but they pushed the shipping date back multiple times
- To hopefully get it sooner, strongth will order it from Oculus website directly.
IRC Server
- The new IRC server is set up and it is ready to be used.
- It is going to be password protected, meaning that LDAP accounts will be tied to your IRC account now.
- There are instructions on the Wiki about how to connect to the new server.
- You can find this information here: https://cclub.cs.wmich.edu/wiki/WeeChat.
- People will be required to move soon because the old and non-secure server will be shut down.
- Contact stringy if you have any problems.
Computer Security Certification
- This is an online course and it is a 15 credit course for Computer Security certifications.
- You must be a graduate student to do this class.
- The only requirement is knowing how to use a computer.
New Laptop
- kami recently bought a new computer for us to use at Computer Club.
- This laptop has a good battery and we can use it at events, such as PLAN.
- It currently has Ubuntu installed on it.
- There is a rule that you can not take it out of the room without permission.
- Thanks to kami for buying this!
- This weekend is the first CTF of the semester.
- Anyone coming to the CTF class tomorrow must bring a 8 GB flash drive in order to make a Kali Linux bootable USB. Kali Linux requires 3 GB of space, but more space will be preferable in order to take advantage of file persistence.
- The CTF this weekend we can work on is Insomni’hack.
- To find out more information about this CTF, go here: https://ctftime.org/event/382/.
- This CTF does not start until Saturday, so we will be having a party at the Computer Club office at Noon.
- In the class on Friday, we are planning on preparing for this CTF with some sample problems by nospace.
- We are planning on doing Computer Club elections during the 2nd to last week of the semester.
- This semester will be a good opportunity to start thinking about any potential candidates.
- There are going to be meetings during Fridays at 5:30 PM.
- If you would like to volunteer to help out at PLAN or to help make the event better, please come by!
- If you want to give any input online through IRC, join the #plan channel.
Academic Computing Society
- ACS needs a new leader since cpg is stepping down.
- There are available resources that ACS has at Parkview that could be used by Computer Club members.
- The meetings for this club will be in B115 at Parkview on Wednesday at 5 PM.
- Some of the projects they do involve cluster computing, data science, and big data.
- ACS is a great opportunity, so don’t miss out.
- ACS is WMU’s ACM chapter, meaning that you can be the chairman of the ACM chapter at WMU if you become the leader of ACS.
Meeting ends at 6:18 PM