April 20th, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by mobyte in emacs
34 people in attendance, including: kami, strongth, dolphin, kell, stringy, zurek, yillivs, cpg, mind, mobyte, kahrl, leech
6:01 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
C++ Tutor
- wobbles mentioned during the meeting today that he is looking for a C++ tutor.
- He is willing to pay someone that could give him assistance.
- If you are knowledgeable in C++, please let him know. His phone number for contact can be found on the whiteboard in the Computer Club office.
Professional Programming Group
- strongth has brought to us the idea of creating a professsional programming group.
- The plan for them is to work together over the summer and work on projects in the fall.
- strongth has proposed the possibility of contributing to existing open-source projects on GitHub or possibly even creating their own.
- They will be planning on programming in go for their projects.
- If this is a group you are interested in, please contact strongth.
- Within the last week, there have been some revisions to the nominations.
- The people that were in the running for today’s election are:
- President nominations: dolphin, kahrl, mobyte, sgtsarcasm, and hellbacon.
- Vice President nominations: zurek, dolphin, mobyte, sgtsarcasm, and hellbacon.
- Treasurer nominations: dolphin, kahrl, mobyte, tank, twitch, yillivs, and hellbacon.
- Secretary nominations: mobyte, hellbacon, and cookie.
- After voting and discussion the following results have come in:
- President: kahrl - Francis Allin Kahrl
- VP: zurek - Richard Zurek
- Treasurer: tank - Francisco Palomo
- Secretary: cookie - Brittain Cooke
- VP of Finance: leech - Collin Aerts
- Congratulations to everyone that has been elected into an officer position!
- I wish the best for the officers that are now trusted with the executive board positions of Computer Club.
- Since I was not reelected for the secretary position, I won’t be able to continue keeping records of our meetings.
- I am greatly thankful for the opportunity of being able to be the secretary of this club for the past year, and I have never been more proud of what we have been able to accomplish. This club is one of the most important experiences I’ve ever had in my life and I am very greatful for everything it has done for me.
- I look forward to seeing Computer Club continue to grow and I hope to help out in any way I can.
Meeting ends at 8:20 PM