
11 Dec 1997

Computer Club Meeting Dec 11, 1997 Last meeting of the year </p><p> Present: Wesley Leonard, Tim Miley, Steve Sedore, Isaac Rzonca, Darron Christian, Randee Goodwin. </p><p> 1) Coursepacks are going well. Emailed piat and told him we’re ready to go. Talked to office max copy desk. $.025 per image. How much can we charge? We desperately need office hours! All officers will need to report. </p><p> Email steve. Other people needed for 9-5 coverage. $500 for 40 coursepacks is cclub costs. $12.50 per pack our costs. </p><p> Tim: let’s undercut the Copy Desk. </p><p> Steve: absolutely. I was thinking around $40 or so. No lower than $35. We’ll have to decide how much we’re selling for. </p><p> Discussion brought us to $40. Agreements all around. </p><p> Good money with big plans for the club. </p><p> 2) Vaxstations are not here due to weather problems and prior committments. Postponed to next Friday. We will get them and we still need a table set up. Table is down hall in the CS lab. Please help. </p><p> 3) Ozz has a switch for us for dot/wakko so we can have one terminal for both. Cost $15 for the switch and a few dollars for cables. </p><p> Discussion came up about the muds, but went nowhere. </p><p> 4) Quake is now running on Wiley. It’s been stable, running all week long. You need quakeworld software to run it. This thing is a bandwidth hog, the more Ken is going to notice. Ken already reported bandwidth problems for September. Possible use of cron timer to control access. Address: wiley.cs.wmich.edu. Port 27500 is fortress game. Fragfest game may appear later at port 27501, but not now. </p><p> 5) Email message from AOL person who is snickers all around trying to develop a web page for business. Pay is involved. No specs. Telephone/email numbers. Must be done before Jan 1st. If someone is interested in Christmas money, email steve. Wesley expressed interest in the project. </p><p> 6) Last item: Speakers. Last week, we wanted to think about this. Vote: 4 yes, 0 no. Money is authorized. $400 for speakers. Room for lectures needed. Steve suggested Knauss hall. Another possibility is Fetzer Center. Tim will try for something big. </p><p> 7) General announcements: </p><p> Possible line on a new machine from Wesley. </p><p> 8) Meeting ends: 7:01 PM. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>