
10 Sep 1998

Computer Club Meeting Minutes 9/10/1998 </p><p> Members present: Darron Christian, Wesley Leonard, The Ghost of Jay Ball, Rebecca Palen, Ozz, Issac Rzonca, John Barber. </p><p> 1) Looking for help with tutoring kids. </p><p> 2) Need to recruit. We need to advertise. Wes got us into the phone book. We’ll be in Glances. Possibly an advertisement on cs motd. </p><p> 3) Business/fundraising op. Someone from Excel contacted us about hooking up with Excel communications. Possibly making money for club. Ozz suggests this is a Tupperware version of Long Distance. Pyramid Scheme? yuck A 1-900-XXX-SEXX line would be more acceptable. Maybe a porn site? No…we tried that! :^) </p><p> 4) Listbot list called cclub newsletter. To subscribe, contact http://cclub_newsletter.listbot.com. Maybe we need a few new aliases, like president, etc. </p><p> 5) Treasurer’s report: $60 from stuff sale and $570 from coursepacks. </p><p> 6) Linux install party next week: We need to advertise in Glances. RSVP. Ozz says we can get a few disks burned. We will try to advertise with CS dept. Somebody needs to make up signs and stick them on campus NOW. Food: pop & snacks. Bring your own machine or hard drive (preferably the whole machine). </p><p> 7) More office hours. We could use them. CS people don’t wake up early, so not a big deal for morning. :^) </p><p> 8) Cleaning…the office is a total STY. Cleaning is not difficult…give it a try. </p><p> 9) ACM competition. Ozz detailed some benefits of joining programming team. Sep 16-17 from 5-8 PM. Let’s bring some people in and blow Kapenga’s mind. </p><p> 10) We should notify some cs profs about coursepacks. It is probably a good idea to let the CS dept know that we can sell them. No reason to stop at CS. </p><p> 11) CS web page. Kaminski may need help. Paul contacted Kaminski with an offer to help. </p><p> 12) Peirce. We need to deliver a security report on our current situation. </p><p> 13) Sun 3 workstations. Selling DEC crap would be bad, since lose money in shipping. </p><p> 14) Web pages issue. Contact El Presidente Elson Floyd. </p><p> 15) IEEE. Let’s open dialogue. </p><p> 16) Forwarding account XXX@alum.wmich.edu for those who graduate. Call up the Alumni Assoc and sell them on the idea. </p><p> 17) Adjourned at 7:03. Jay votes we go to Pilsen Club, get loaded, and spend club money. Leonard, Jay says HELLO. </p><p> </p>