
26 Aug 1999

Present: Ozz, Olorun,Jettero,Poetic,Nike,Isaac,Pacd. </p><p>

  1. Bronco Bash Check In 2:45. 2. Wes Starts Up at 3:00. a. Drawing For Vax Station enter at BB. Come to meeting to find winner. b. Need Email, and Name, Phone to enter. c. Drawing at meeting Sept 9. </p><p> </p><p>
  2. Linux Install Sept 23rd. (Announce at BB) 4. More Applicants (Handouts at BB) 5. Brian making photo-copies (Before BB) </p><p> Computer Use Policy: Jettero Produces, Those present approve. (Our version of “Yes we really CAN kick you out if we need to.” </p><p> Suse Linux arrived in mail from Linux Journal -Both are kept in office. </p><p> Hardware News: The motherboard in wakko does not recognize “big drives”. Isaac proposes (as genious) to swap out the board with one he loaned to a freind. Eta - this week. Stalled on new hardware install till post “swap”. </p><p> Goods Inventory: Looks like we’ll be ceremonially discarding candies etc. Perhaps we need to analyze just how much we spend ON candy and how much we EARN on candy. Stay tuned for results. </p><p> BOX IS FOR CANDY ONLY FROM NOW ON. </p><p> Info: “WIDR Stuff” The Contact with Student Affairs has dissapeared. Presumption becomes that info gathered has been made irrelevant. </p><p> Richard Wright: Apparently NoBody knows the results of his aspiring position… Ozz comes through - Some lady turned down the position, unknown next of kin. </p><p> Web Pages: Status - Richard Wright said that he was no longer involved. Student Affairs claims to not be aware that the decision is now resting with them. Brian said “shit” (not me). Club decided we need to more effectively channel his energy. </p><p> Net-Link page update. Create a matching account for web administration to yakko.com. </p><p> Treasurer Report “It’s hot as hell in here.” </p><p> Cash Box Total $40.45 New Membership $80.00 Run money to pay off phone bill. </p><p> Course Packs - Wes has them in progress due for Next Tuesday. </p><p> Signs were made. </p><p> THE FIRST MEETING OF THE YEAR IS COMING SEPTEMBER 9TH….. </p><p> Next time Bug Tarkan about new carpeting. </p><p> Meeting Adjourned - 7:00. </p><p>

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