
13 Jan 2000

1. Course packs for CS 224 - need to sell two more to break even

2. Computer Club is out of a secretary, gotta find new one

3. Get signature card at bank, Give extra key to treasury who is yet to be found

Treasurer, to keep track of all money involved in Computer Club, will get spare key.
Secretary, to write up Minutes at Computer Club meetings. They also get a key. Matt has been nominated to be secretary. Neat. So was Helio.

5. CD burner is working and away, Saga continues...

6. WSAC (wussac) - we tried scamming money from them to get WIDR on internet and do wireless LAN
Told us flat out that they can't give us money because they don't buy equipment.

7. Linux Install Party - January 27, 2000
Need room with lots of space and outlets, ask Orien, try Bernhard Center again?
Maybe in a classroom and bring tables. There'll be Linux CDs, pizza, other stuff...
Got ideas for a place to hold it? We want 'em.

8. Ed got more CDs from KLUG, *pat pat* Good Job Ed

9. Relatively new V-Prez of Information Technology, replaced dark, overlord one that hated us. We should try to take the new vice prez out to lunch and show that we can be kind, gentle, caring people hehe. Let Ozz know if you wanna go, he'll let everyone know if she bought in.

10. Gamer's Guild - shut servers down to conserve energy on weekends, holidays, etc. wmgg was put on yakko (but not active) to help them out. Looking for other ways to help them out, like get them a domain. It's on yakko.cs.wmich.edu/wmgg right now, but once again, not active. Look at pages and see if there is anything objectionable and we could possibly put them on one of the computer club's unused IPs. Use a secondary machine as a server. Think about if we want to do it, and what happens if we do do it. Do we want a lot of credit? Next week.

11. Constitutional Law Scholar at Harvard, Laurence Lessig, suggests looking at Internet for its Constitutional value. Biz, Polisci, soc, writers, media, journalism, anyone interested in privacy, would find this speaker interesting/useful. Could help get other speakers as well. Funds are needed to get him here though, Chris will try to find bio info about him, possibly from his secretary. Split up people and send to various depts. to bum cash for this.
Go here to find out more: http://ethics.harvard.edu/people/affiliates/lessig.html

12. A calendar of mammoth proportions that is erasable and has three months on it would be nice. So would a pop and candy run. (Matt, Wes, and Ed will do that Wednesday)

13. Treasurers Report:
2 new members, 1 renewal, sold 3 CDs, cash box has $148.63, $697.10 in bank

14. Anyone want a talk or to give a talk about anything?
- Getting into Linux
- NFS, Network File System, possibly in a few weeks (middle of term), from Chris
- Ozz will ask Kaugars about CDS/RCS (keeping code in line)
- Another talk on LATex

15. Wes got blank CDs from Best Buy, so if anyone wants to experiment with the C-Club's burner for $1 probably, let someone on C-Club staff know.

People who attended this Computer Club meeting:
Ozz, prez
Matt, secretary maybe
Wes, veep
Jim (new member)
Christopher Oliver (See #11)
Erik (wrote this issue of The Minutes)
Bob (another potential member?, needs help getting Linux on his Packard Bell)
Ed, the treasurer