
10 Jan 2002

Start: 6:15pm </p><p> End: 7:20pm </p><p> Members Present: ajax, tmiley, rattles, zaphod, phorcephed, pacd, zrodger, soloa, cheddar, and a new guy who wants to learn UNIX (Jeremy) </p><p>

  1. Next week we want to have another basic UNIX presentation. Dr. Trenary is sending people our way so we’ve got to do something. </p><p>
  2. The following week we’ll want to have a Linux install party (with new rules). </p><p>
  3. Speaker: Wes heard from him in December and recommended a date but hasn’t heard back from him yet. Tentatively it was February 12-14 that we’re planning on his presentation. We want to have at least two weeks to publicize so first we definitely need to tack down a date. </p><p>
  4. Erik’s doing a presentation on January 31st on autoconf and RPM creation. After that week Matt is probably going to do a “Okay, I’ve installed Linux. Now what do I do?” </p><p>
  5. Two weeks from now we’ll be having a Linux install party and Wes is going to have a sign up form on our homepage. Here are some new rules: </p><p>
  1. We are merely a guide, you will do most of the keyboard input during your install
  2. If you don't bring a monitor we will setup X to be as generic as possible (640x480x256)
  3. We encourage you to bring your own keyboard and mouse
  4. You must buy a CD in order to have linux installed on your system
  5. You must be a member to have Linux installed on your system at an install party. Membership is $10 and Linux CDs are $3.
  6. We probably will not have time to configure your modem
  7. Linux installs generally take 2 gigabytes of hard disk space
  8. Defrag your hard drive before you come to the party!!!
  9. You are not allowed to take any media that you did not pay for or bring yourself from the install party
  10. You must sign up for the by the RSVP date on the sign up form

What we’ll need: </p><p>

  • BSWare CDs
  • Fliers
  • Partition Magic


  1. The webcam has been focused. </p><p>
  2. Projects: Job Board, Algorithm Database, Robot Heads, etc. If you want to help on these send us mail! </p><p>
  3. Wireless stuff is cool. </p>