
23 Jun 2005

Computer Club meeting minutes for 6/16/05 7 attended: Eric, Brian, Chris, Joe W., Miles, Tim, Ed., Matt

meeting started 7:09PM

1) Ham radio class
Books are in, Brian will be bringing the rest when he arrives.
Attendies will need to read the first two chapters before tue. Day 1 of the class.

2) Bank account
Eric is currently on the accounts, however everyone on the card, (Ed and Matt remain) need to fax their Licence to the Bank.

3) General
Matt Scott has had another baby girl! Allegra Morgan! Congradulations from the CCoWMU
We wish your family the best of luck.
Eric checked to see his car has been towed.

2) PLAN A will be this friday, everything is looking smooth. The times for the event are solidified due to common interest among the staff.
Tonight as this meeting is done, the fridge needs to be taken over to parkview.
Tomorrow in the after noon Melissa will be grocery shopping and going straight to Parkview.
Building will be open til’ 6 however doors will be unlocked til’ 10 for tomorrow.
Joe W. will be setting up late for Sat.
we should be ready to get in 9am Saturday.
The firewall server is in melissa’s car, and is ready to be set up.
we still haven’t had any word with Jim Cotton.
Eric attempts to make contact with Jim.
Eric left a message to contact him about the VLAN scripts.
Eric pages Jim
Brian has a list of ports needed in the other room.
Jim calls.
New VLAN scripts need to be made and Emailed to Jim.
jimcotton a wmich.edu
Information of when they need to run/unrun in the e-mail.
We got sponsorship material from Bawls.
we will be heading over to Parkview.
Meeting ajourned let’s go get drunk @ 7:41PM