
19 Apr 2007

Meeting Started: 6:13pm

Members Attended: Dan, mstaff, c4, rancor, nik, whitehat, rebel, ed, cameron, greg
Late: (tsk tsk)

Special Appearances:

Nik demonstrates his RubiksCube

Dan discusses the wiki on yakko
Everyone should at least set up their user page
Don’t post anything private, etc…
Google Crawler - robots.txt

Cookout BBQ - 04/27/07
16:00 or later-ish

Portable cluster discussed

Meetings over the summer?
Every Thursday
Check geekboy to see what’s going on.

Anyone want an officer position?
C4 is now officer of ‘something’

The power of Google is discussed

(IR Media Center Remote)–
karma rancor?
rancor has a karma of -∞

Possibility of getting more supplies for CCLUB
Club Wii

Geekout - cleanout, Fix the TV

More presentations especially after Bronco Bash.
More office hours
Morning - Bawls and food
Afternoon - Awake students

Legistrate: Member check in/out board to display who is at the club, schedule, calendar, etc…

“Story Time with DrC”
Nominating DrC to present at meetings

Field Trips and Pizza Parties

Student-Allocation at beginning of semester.

Hamachi client confusion

Next PLAN7
Some people are interested
Some people are not interested
Dan would like to paint the room with more pastel colors.

Clean the room and organize, garage sale at Bronco Bash - craigslist
Expand the library of books
-Windows Veeesta for Rancor
-Magazine Subscriptions?
MAKE, 2600, Hakin9, MacWorld, OSX Weekly

Other ways to make money.
-Nerd Squad
-Rent out the cluster

VoIP minutes - logs not working
Off campus VoIP to club members
VM Boxes for each member

Dot is firewall/router machine and openvpn server

Move Asterisk and IRC to the blackbox

Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm