
12 Aug 2010

Meeting Begins @ 6:15
Attendees: Greg, Eric, Kyle, Travis, Jesse T., drc

Meeting minutes from 8/05 approved

one of the capictors in our cap kit appears used. top looks bulbous. Rancor will email or call W.G. about it.

FYE survey: what do you want to learn about computers?

Presentation ideas:
*Dan Gore - Bio Informatics
*remote presentations?
*Ron Shubot - history of cclub/computers @ western
*Darth Matt/Cheddar/Tmiley?
*Jay - Security
**how to shoop your way to success
**motion capture
*Crowbar - Intro to debugging/visual studio
*DRC - bash, asterix, electronics
*MAME presentation!
**what are the applications of RFID
**what items use RFID
**what does RFID store

Do presentations in google docs, and collaborate

Forums on new site? For public and private use

Voting to reimburse Rancor $6 breadboard, $10 cable cord
*4 to 1 to reimburse! (because greg raised his hand late)

Drc bought components for TV b-gone kits
*charging $10/kit
*voted to reimburse drc for $50

Eric guess correctly that Travis still hasn’t talked to Horton about using CS IP addresses for PLAN

*Setup Broncobash (09/10/10 - 1:00-3:00)
*Broncobash Booth (09/10/10 - 3:00-7:00)
*FYE Interest Session 1 (09/01/10 - 2:00-2:45)
*FYE Interest Session 2 (09/02/10 - 11:45-12:30)
*Project RSO (09/01/10 - 7:15-8:45)
*Buy drinks for cclub, if you don’t have access to funds for it, contact someone who does and we’ll work it out (08/30/10 at the latest, preferably before)
*Design new flyer/brochure for FYE (08/30/10)
*Print 50 copies of color flyer/brochure (09/01/10)
*PLAN Advertisement (100% done by end of august)
*PLAN Website Updates - Update date to October 2nd on News and Events Section, Add Tournament Details to a news post if possible? (ASAP)
*PLAN Sponsors (Contacted 100% by end of august)
*Drupal Theme Designed and/or Customized (Drupal Release)
*Drupal video embed link change to include drupal username (Ideally 08/19/10)
*Drupal Fix Wiki Tie-In module (Convenience)
*Drupal page to display minutes from content that was already imported into drupal, similar to current setup. *Bonus points:
**create a way to upload minutes directly from drupal in the future. (Drupal Release)
**MAME WAH!Cade Theme/Layout (Convenience)
**MAME Game Lists for popular games, our favourites, PLAN tournament 1v1 games to setup in the MAME frontend - Preferrably created just in a text file with lines [name] - [emulator/rom/system] - [rom name if available] (09/25/10)
**Write Account Expiration script (Convenience)

*remove friendship village (just dont mention it, we’ll probably still do it)
*remove OS logos + chrome logo
*remove or revamp the map
*reword presentations area
*remove perl at work
*move domain somewhere, possibly use yakko one? use http:// … don’t make it look like a hyperlink?
*benefits: use bullet points
*use content from google wave: CCLUB FYE ORIENTATION EVENT

Need layout for wacade
*Zerg volunteers
*cast/stream the desktop instead of splitting the video out! vistaboy7++