CCLUB Meeting
26 August 2010
2244 Kohrman Hall
President: rancor
VP: dwight
VP Finance: butters
Treasurer: cokezero
Secretary/WSA Rep: scrabble
1800: rancor calls meeting to order
1801: grg says rancor should not sit behind couch
1812: four xserves still available for sale
1815: $40 + shipping allocated for a G5 power supply
1819: rancor and drc to give joint presentation on RFID
1820: dwight arrives
1825: color cclub brochures a possibility
1827: crowbar arrives
1830: zerg proposes cclub membership card with usb memory
1833: scrabble offers invitation to FYS class to speak
1834: drc proposes we buy omni-directional microphone
–research and bring proposal back
1835: grg voices concerns about using others’ terminals
1836: meeting adjourns