
09 Sep 2010

CCLUB Meeting
9 September 2010
2244 Kohrman Hall

President: rancor
VP: dwight
VP Finance: butters
Treasurer: cokezero
Secretary/WSA Rep: scrabble

1805: rancor opens – introductions

1806: dwight and grg arrive

1808: drc arrives

1820: rancor – PLAN is coming soon, Oct 2

1823: rancor – need to figure out what we want to request with regard to WSA funding

*PLAN Server
*Name Tags

1828: USB cards thrown around as idea

1828: Zerg was quoted 1GB $10 and 2GB $14-16 for USB cards

1835: MAME cabinet buttons being run by Kyles arduino
rancor says we should buy our own eventually

1837: meeting adjourned