May 15th, 2014 Minutes
Meeting begin 6:19pm
###RIP Renix
- in peace
###What do we want at cclub?:
- Resources, events, furniture?
- Mull it over, contact flay
- Job help? Pointers, etc
- Remote talks? Record/upload/post the talks online
- Recruitment / outreach position? Multiple people? Advertising
- Have presentations on cclub in Pview C-208
- Don’t just be a passive member, have some cool ideas
- Talk on CLI / linux / terminal magic for new students and those interested
- Talk on GIT and VM’s etc
- Sign up sheets
Hosting web-pages for other departments?
- Order stuff? Usb microphones for jasper (voice controlled apps), SD cards, jumpers, printer paper, staples, HDD docks
- Some light remodeling
- New shelf, some reorganized furniture
- Misclik++ for new shelf yay
- Door function almost done
- Any card you want can be added to give access to the room
- jack++
- Defcon qualification ctf is may 16th, begins 8pm, runs until may 19th.
- /j #ctf
- Let’s sort out some timezones, yeah?
- $220 ticket, 3 day pass, largest hacking convention in the world
- August 7th-10th in Las Vegas
###New Room:
- Might be a-comin’
- Same size as our current room, may be slightly larger
Burner is on, but our butts are gettin’ hot
- Aviation is getting rather restless, and as a result so are we.
- All we need to give them is the specifications of the room, amount of internet jacks, etc.
- More outlets? 4 connections per wall?
- Rack mounted shelving?
- VOIP phone? Ask for a PoE jack specifically for a voip phone, have Trenary ask
- Potential credit for officers for putting in a large amount of time in the office
- $40 for two remote toy tanks. Maybe put a webcam on them and have some internet fun?
- Flay is going to figure out how much money we can make as a non-profit
- We have access to 3D printers at Parkview
##Meeting ends at 7:30pm