September 4th, 2014 Minutes
by Renix (Secretary)
*First Meeting Of The Semester!
Meeting begin 6:09pm
##Headcount: 45! Wowza!… Lost count so many came in through the meeting###
###New Members!: 26###
###About Computer Club!:###
- Informal organic learning environment. Come here to learn new things and get help on things you struggle with
- Great networking center! Many people in cclub have gotten jobs from connections with members in the club
- Always someone to talk to about something that you havent learned yet
- Dedicated alumni who also bring job opportunities, experience, and wisdom.
- Room open often with officers in the room to help you and hang out with you!
- Only a 10 dollar member fee for an amazing learning environment
###Things new memebers are interested in:###
- AI and video game development
- Lockpicking
- Cyber Security
- Robotics *
###About CTF:###
- Learn a lot in a very short about of time
- Working with cyber security
- Competitive hacking team
- Our team was ranked 22nd internationally
- When is room avaliable? Answer: During office hours which are posted on the main website and wiki, or just ask!
- *
###Unique to CCLUB:###
- Lively group. Have our own server and use IRC to communicate with members outside of meeting days
- Members are friendly and plan hangouts weekly outside of computer club, including going to dinner after meetings, ect.
- We have been around since 1976, the oldest RSO still on campus! How cool is that?
###About Plan:###
- Bi Annual Lan party hosted at parkview
- Non members is 10 bucks per plan enterance, members only have to pay 5 dollars!
- Check IRC for links to the different TShirt and Hoodie designs!
###Meeting Ends At 6:41pm###