##December 4th, 2014 Minutes
- By Renix!
##Meeting Begins at 6:07PM
##People Count: 24
Ghost in the shell code CTF:
- Jan 16th-17th
- Rocco,funky,and Mandatory will most likely play this one!
- Last year it was a challenge that there was an MMO you could play in and hack there abilities, etc.
##3D Printer Arrived:
- Missing a part?!
- Mostly put together so far
##What do you want to see more of at cclub?:
- More blinking lights…..giggles
##There will be a meeting next week:
- Not a lot to discuss, but if you can come feel free!
- If you are around over break feel free to hang at club
###Downtime for yakko 18th-19th
- sorry </3
- Next semester we are going to start sending out a newsletter
- This will go to faculty
- Let them know what the club is up to, so more people are informed
- Let them know how many members we recruit, etc.
###Coding.com Hackathon:
- Takes place saturday and sunday.
- Theme they will be working on is coming up with a way to get people interested in reading terms of service aggreements
- Sphinx will be here friday if people need help
##Meeting Finishes at 6:20PM