September 06th, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Notes taken by backbutton in vim
32 people in attendance, including:cookie, spacedog, juhhh, shiranui, presto, skuld, kami, crystalclam, tank21, drewr, caligula, hellbacon, zurek, bison, relic_o, kahrl, jacob, kessler, tyrna, typo
6:00 PM, On a Thursday, 2225 Kohrman Hall
welcome to more new team member
cclub is an open sharing and learning environment
we also have a networking lab
if you want to talk about using servers talk to hellbacon or drewr
ctf time has changed to start at 3pm instead of 2pm
- security class that relates that if taken three times counts as a cs elective
wmcsc purple event west michigan cyber security consortium
wmcsc with wmcat and merit running smaller teams for some security related content
this is split up into red and blue teams as well as smaller executive teams
there is room for 32 to 45 competitors of varying skill
to sign up complete the survey here
if you have questions contact the organization at
also see the ctf channel for more information
hackathon funding
we talked about requesting for funding for mhacks through wsa
if any members need licenses or hardware for project for mhacks, let us know through the officer channel
CEAS events
september 11th is the ceas cookout from 11am to 1pm
ceas leader breakfast for officers is next friday 7am to 9am
plan meeting tomorrow at 2pm
have done overwatch, rocket league, lol, hearthstone
is also a fundraiser for club(one of the biggest)
there is a $10 admission fee $5 for club members
Fight night
- may want to do friday fight night starting tomorrow
CClub talks/lectures
setting up informative talks starting next week after club meeting
first presentation is windows optimization from skuld
we have loaner hard drives and computers in the room for people who need them during the semester
spacedog talked to cs1 class this week to drum up membership
strongth wants to start a community botproject through riot
if interested let cookie or hellbacon know
this touches on a lot of subjects throughout cs
it is done ideally in python, though others are in
- dinner is at gonzo’s around 7 pm